Dad to the Bone: Patrick Torres-Wright

Patrick Torres-Wright: A forward thinking Dad to the Bone and Creative Director of Oakley.
Dadhood is the best and good fathers deserve to be highlighted. This is a new feature at The Bad Dads Club called - Dad to the bone where we feature some of the coolest Dads we know. We ask them a few fun questions and let them take it away from there. Welcome to The Bad Dads Club - Patrick Torres-Wright.
Please tell us a bit about who you are?
Patrick Torres-Wright: Husband to an amazing woman, Father to two awesome little girls, Creative Director for OAKLEY, and I like to cook it up for friends and family.
How long have you been a Dad?
PTW: I have been a dad and referee to two beautiful daughters named Corinne and Colette
Were or are you a baby wearing Dad?
PTW: Yes
What is a fun thing that you did with your kids this week?
PTW: We just came off of a beach weekend down in San Diego sea shell hunting, building sand castles, running in the surf it was great to have one last adventure before school starts.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your diaper changing ability?
PTW: 10
What is your go to in a tantrum emergency?
PTW: When my girls start wild'n out, I try and keep calm, change the situation and or location that we are in, the last resort is to tune them out and let them figure it out. Ultimately I think it's good not to react in a way and gives them the attention and control that they might be seeking.
What's the last movie you watched with your kids?
PTW: Secret Life of Pets.
What's your kid's favorite word?
DY: There are too many to list. They love to talk it up.
The last book you read with your kids?
PTW: Ms Nelson is Missing
Favorite adult beverage?
PTW: Mexican Mule with Lime.
Favorite Skate Video part and/or Disney Princess?
PTW: The Sunland video for New Balance Numeric - the cinematography is really good and I am a fan of the directors ( I am cool with princess movies and my girls are starting to grow out of them.
What makes you a "Bad Dad" (This is a good thing...)?
PTW: I love that both my girls are creative and want to be outside, play in the yard, skateboard out front and that I can be there to pick them up when they fall. The best feeling is when I come home from a long day they run to the door and tackle me with hugs. I am a blessed man to be their father.
For more info on Patrick and his awesomeness, please check get at him on Instagram.