Dad to the Bone: Jason Gaines

Jason Gaines: A serial entrepreneur Dad to the Bone and owner of the dope clothing store, Tradition.

Dadhood is the best and good fathers deserve to be highlighted. This is a new feature at The Bad Dads Club called - Dad to the bone where we feature some of the coolest Dads we know. We ask them a few fun questions and let them take it away from there. Welcome to The Bad Dads Club - Jason Gaines.
Please tell us a bit about who you are?
Jason Gaines: Serial Entrepreneur and Owner of Tradition, one of the hottest streetwear/ lifestyle stores in the country (I'm supposed to say that). Wouldn't ever call myself awesome but my mother thinks i'm special so I must be hahaha.
How long have you been a Dad?
JG: I'm a father of 2 boys. I have a 18 year old son/Pain in my ass (Miles) and 2 1/2 year old (Jason Jr)
Were or are you a baby wearing Dad?
What is a fun thing that you did with your kids this week?
JG: Fun for us right now is when Lil' J gets home from school we either get on his scooter and cruise or we get his bike out and try to pedal (Trying to teach him how to ride a bike right now)
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your diaper changing ability?
JG: 9
What is your go to in a tantrum emergency?
JG: Starts with a bribe (ice cream, popsicle or chocolate) then I beg him to stop, then if that fails call MOMMY cause she's the voice of reason.
What's the last movie you watched with your kids?
JG: Charlottes Web, it's a classic and Lil' J loves the little rat Templeton
What's your kid's favorite word?
JG: Chica or Chula (Our Dogs)
The last book you read with your kids?
JG: Pug & Doug
Favorite adult beverage?
JG: Ginger Ale (I'm Old School)
Favorite Skate Video part and/or Disney Princess?
JG: On our recent trip to Disneyland Lil J met the Princess and wasn't impressed, he stayed in his stroller. He did however flirt with the Little Mermaid Ariel.
What makes you a "Bad Dad" (This is a good thing... AKA Way too awesome compared to everyone else)?
JG: Just being a humble, respectful and hardworking man. Being a father is a blessing! Too many deadbeat dads out here more worried about the latest fashions instead of providing for their families. PRESENCE NOT PRESENTS...
For more info on Jason and his awesomeness, please check out his site at or get at him on Instagram.