Dad to the Bone: Jarod DeAnda

Jarod DeAnda: A SUPER Dad to the bone and all around amazing host and personality.

Dadhood is the best and good fathers deserve to be highlighted. This is a new feature at The Bad Dads Club called - Dad to the bone where we feature some of the coolest Dads we know. We ask them a few fun questions and let them take it away from there. Welcome to The Bad Dads Club - Jarod DeAnda.
Please tell us a bit about who you are?
Jarod DeAnda: Husband, father, lover of life but a lot of people know me as "The Voice of" Drifting, Red Bull GRC, plus hosting Baja 1000 and other SCORE races. My resume I've worked with X Games, many Red Bull events, Monster Energy, Ford, Toyota, EA Games and many more. Hosting, MC'ing and more. My "job" allows me to be part of my rad events, travel the world, hang and party with my family and friends and make a living doing so...
How long have you been a Dad?
JD: My oldest son Parker is 10 this year and my other little dude Tyson aka T- Bone is 2
Were or are you a baby wearing Dad?
JD: Yep!
What is a fun thing that you did with your kids this week?
JD: I'm traveling right now as I type but headed home for a week of hangs, swimming, partying for my oldest sons birthday. But my oldest just got back from Woodward which is pretty rad!
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your diaper changing ability?
JD: 10
What is your go to in a tantrum emergency?
JD: Just laugh and relax because it's just a lack of communication skills then have a drink later after it's all over.
What's the last movie you watched with your kids?
JD: Finding Dori which was my youngest's first movie
What's your kid's favorite word?
The last book you read with your kids?
JD: Fido 1,2,3
Favorite adult beverage?
JD: Beer... What kind? As long as it's cold and wet but sometimes I'll just settle for wet!
Favorite Skate Video part and/or Disney Princess?
JD: Always like the Daewon VS Rodney vids... Disney - have to say Lightning McQueen because I have boys. But how about Jesse the cowgirl, she's a princess too if you think about it!
What makes you a "Bad Dad" (This is a good thing... AKA Way too awesome compared to everyone else)?
JD: Being part of TBDC is something that acknowledges that were part of our kids life but doesn't lose sight of that we're still fun loving dads! Kids change you and allow you to evolve as a human being but don't change you to a stifled human being plus being a dad of a fun loving nature gives your kids the ability to see things in a different light. My travels have exposed me and therefore exposed my kids to a better me and my wife which equates to a more open minded child and human being put into the world for them to flourish! SEND IT!
For more info on Jarod and his awesomeness, please check out his site at or get at him on Instagram.