Dad to the Bone: Bee Nguyen

Bee Nguyen: A power entrepreneur Dad to the Bone and founder of Grand Tactics.

Dadhood is the best and good fathers deserve to be highlighted. This is a new feature at The Bad Dads Club called - Dad to the bone where we feature some of the coolest Dads we know. We ask them a few fun questions and let them take it away from there. Welcome to The Bad Dads Club - Bee Nguyen.
Please tell us a bit about who you are?
Bee Nguyen: Serial Entrepreneur. Father of 3. Married to my best friend. I'm involved in the apparel industry and I produce Film / TV.
How long have you been a Dad?
BN: Since 2000
Were or are you a baby wearing Dad?
BN: Yes
What is a fun thing that you did with your kids this week?
BN: Sunday's are our favorite day of the week! We go to church at ZOE then brunch at SoHo House where the kids can play while we get our buffet on!
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your diaper changing ability?
BN: 10
What is your go to in a tantrum emergency?
BN: Bribe my 4 year old with a Popsicle and my 11 month old chills out when we play "White Iverson" by Post Malone. * I'm not kidding
What's the last movie you watched with your kids?
BN: Finding Dory
What's your kid's favorite word?
BN: My eldest daughter might be Color Guard since that is her passion. My youngest daughter would have to be Candy! And my infant son is absolutely "Mama"
The last book you read with your kids?
BN: It's a special 5 minute Priness Stories one that has a bunch of quick reads
Favorite adult beverage?
BN: Coffee!
Favorite Skate Video part and/or Disney Princess?
BN: Favorite Disney Princess would be Mulan. Representing for all my Asians!
What makes you a "Bad Dad" (This is a good thing...)?
BN: I enjoy being a Bad Dad because being a father is hands down my greatest accomplishment and I love it!
For more info on Bee and his awesomeness, please check out his site at or get at him on Instagram.